Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Turnip: 17 Weeks

A turnip? I had to Google Images one (like how I turned that into a verb?) to remember what a turnip looks like. Yes, I guess I did just fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

This kid is growing. My stomach is getting much bigger, in my opinion, but to others I am sure I just look like I am packing on the weight to prepare for hibernation. At the doctor's office today, my doc said that women don't actually look pregnant to others until about 26-30 weeks. For the love people, start paying attention to pregnant women and when in doubt, give women the benefit. There's a baby in there not just ice cream sandwiches, Chinese food, and ginger ale.

(Except--Sisters, remember that woman on the beach on Memorial Day? The one we debated about for half an hour before she played with Lukers and then we were able to confirm that in fact it wasn't a baby, but barrels of beer?)

I am getting excited about finding out the gender, looking for bedding, making over our guest room, oh, I still have 22+ weeks. Ok then, I will settle down.


Crystal said...

Yeah, A turnip!

Eva said...

So, with all these fruits and vegetables are you still calling it the kid? Or has some new terminology morphed?

adp said...

KP called it turnip kid yesterday. Tomorrow we'll be able to call it he or she.