Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Me: Week 1 - Again.

I actually lost a few pounds while I was going through a rather queasy phase. Unfortunately, after that, I subconsciously decided that eating would make me feel better. Actually, I decided that eating everything in sight and out of sight would make me feel much, much better. In 2 1/2 weeks, I gained 6 pounds. DAYUM.

About a week ago I realized that I was emotionally eating. In response to this realization, I decided to give myself a little more time to gorge in my self pity. The jig was up Monday, but only after chocolate malts, several plates of cheese enchiladas, lots of margaritas, ice cream, twizzlers, chocolate galore, and fast food. The fast food was the only thing not worthy of my overindulgence.

So, here I go again on my own...only kidding. I signed up for WW yesterday. It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I am sure if I stuck to sis-in-law's calorie counting and working out that I would lose weight and look great, but I have no patience. I need results and I need them now.

I get 21 points a day. For those of you on WW, you know that's a lot. You also know that I get so many because of my glorious weight vs. height ratio, which happens to be a hefty fraction. Yesterday, I ate 31 points. That's 10 points over my daily allotment. I did it, honestly, because I was starving. And needed two glasses of wine. And a Hershey's miniature. Okay, okay. I see the err of my ways.

Today, I pretty much stuck to the routine. I did go awry somewhere though because I am still 6.5 points over my allowance. BUT, and this is a big but, my activity points are not being swapped for food points. Granted, I would still be over by 4.5 points, even after walking at a very fast pace for 45 minutes, but still. I need every point I can get. Anyone have any suggestions?

I am headed to Houston this weekend to watch the nephews. Luckily Little Sis is helping and providing some adult entertainment (not like that). I am going to have to do some serious wagon pulling and playground running in order to have vino tinto at night. Oh, the joys of negotiating, though I'd rather negotiate contracts and make money than decide which cheese stick will cost me fewer pesky points.

Think of me, friends ans wish we well, please -- it's almost bathing suit season. Oh, and Little Sis is making me take before pics in a bikini. Bitch. I know I will be glad though when I have a semi-reformed bod come early summer. I guess I will stick to my June 2nd deadline. This ain't gonna to be easy.

Below are pics of KP's newest plant stands and plants from our anniversary trip. I am currently working on getting some into funky, local nurseries. I know how you all love pictures.


Kori said...

Oooh, I love that squatty plant stand!

As for WW I have been on it since Jan 3rd and love it. I have a little menu I created for myself to easily stay in check Mon-Fri. Weekends are a little harder but when I eat out I tell myself "Kori, you are going to be full in 45 minutes, do you want to be full from a 10 point grilled chicken sandwich and enjoy the rest of your day? Or, do you want to blow 25 points on crap and then feel crappy all day and then eat even more trying to feel less crappy?" Just go with the grilled chicken, trust me. Other than that I hung out on the WW message boards early on. I know it sounds pathetic but you learn alot of LP (low point) treats and other little things. (I just did the online option, no meetings). My aunt has been on for not quite a year and has lost just over 50lbs and looks great. And, you will too soon enough!

Crystal said...

A girl in my bible study has been doing weight watchers, and has lost over 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks. She says it's a balance and when you eat something that's higher points you just have to sacrifice later on.
Good luck!

By the way....
I miss Zeus. That was the cutest pic. Tell all the pooches hello from one of their aunts, but give Zeus a special kiss for me.

Audra said...

Did KP make those stands? I want one...can you bring me one this weekend? Cant wait for the after pics

stephaniezamora said...

you and your plants are an inspiration. james and i are going to attempt a mini garden in our new backyard.

btw, do we get to see you this weekend? I have a car and lead foot?

adp said...

Bring it on, Steph. I will be in Pearland most of the weekend, venturing our Saturday afternoon to show Jenfirner and her sistas some houses.

Eva said...

Plants look great! Maybe I can ride down with Steph and we can all hang out? I love girl time! Sarah should come too