Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Me Update: Week 2 - It's Working!

It's working, it's working, it's actually working!

I have lost 3.1 pounds in the last week and a half! I weigh for WW on Wednesdays at the gym, so this will be my new update day. I am trying to change my Wednesday luck, so why not? Plus, weigning on Wednesday gives me two days after the weekend to get it together, but not so much time after the weekend that I choose to over-do the consumption.

Honestly, I prepared myself for disappointment today. Last weekend I had a lot of fun. When it comes to weight loss discussions, fun can be interpreted as wine, beer, pizza, a kolache, a girl scout cookie, and throwing caution to the wind when it came to salad dressing. Luckily, the rest of the decisions I made were enough to keep those poor choices from heavily impacting my goals. Did you know that one single ranchero kolache from The Kolache Factory is 9 points? Me neither. That ate up nearly half of my 21 point daily allowance on Sunday.

My successes this past week included tracking every single thing I ate for the entire week. I also made it to the gym for the first time in months. I have been walking with Val around the neighborhood too.

I am feeling very hopeful. You know, that the bikini picture I post in June isn't scary.


stephaniezamora said...

cheers to you! your crack pizza was the bomb though...mmmmmm...

Audra said...

You have inspired me to get a jump on it. Plus those before pics made me want to vomit. BTW internet my sister didn NOT take before pics.

adp said...

I DID. yesterday. in my own bikini. though I look like totoal and utter crapola. i cannot believe it's as bad as it is. plus, i had to take it on a timer and it totally focuses on the flbby tummy. oh joy.

Audra said...

I was shocked by my pic. The next one will be HOT.