Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Me: Week 3 - Some Lessons are Hard Learned

The most important part first: I lost 1.5 pounds this past week. But, only if you go by my home scale this morning, while in PJs. When I got to the gym, I weighed exactly the same as last week, but I am not counting that. I will now go by my scale. I know I am shooting myself in the foot here because I will have to lose according to the lowest weight now, but I need to see movement, dammit.

Speaking, or writing, of scales, I bought my first scale ever last week. Maybe, just maybe, this is why I fluctuate so much. I don't ever see numbers to not exceed. Think about it...don't you have a low point you let your checking account get to before you are cautious about spending? I need a high point. Well, first I need a low point, and then I'll set a high weight to not be exceeded on the new scale. I purchased the scale from Target last week for $7.99 because I have married a Polish man and have adopted some Polish ways. Didn't know Poles are cheap? Neither did I, but KP insists it's true and I need to be cheap, so this frugality-per-nationality-by-marriage is a good excuse. But, being cheap is not always smart, especially when it comes to measuring fat lost.

The scale was not digital and the window was about the size of half of my palm. I am not tall, but did quit wearing corrective lenses years ago. I could not read those tiny little tick marks for the life of me. When every pound counts, this is no bueno. I took it back and invested an additional $19 on a digital read-out scale. So much better. The only thing I can complain about is that it measures in half pounds, not tenths of a pound like the gym scale. Oh well, I am too married-to-a-Pole to give a damn.

The hardest lesson to learn this past week is that beer is a no-no. Period. I attended the Independence Brewery brewery tour and crawfish party on Saturday. They served full-bodied brewskies which were delicious to the point of sin. Then, because I do not consume mud bugs unless they are peeled for me and arrive on my table in the form of etouffee, I desperately needed food after we left. That food was ordered as sliders and another barley pop, as KP calls it. If I was a person with self-control, I could have a beer every now and again, but I am not, as demonstrated by my thighs.

I have spent the rest of the week working my tail off to lose the beer calories. The hard work paid off, but I wouldn't have had to try so hard if I wouldn't have indulged to the point that would make a younger, less drink-experienced me have alcohol poisoning. Ok, I am exaggerating, but still.

What am I going to do this weekend? The Easter Bunny doesn't lay eggs of Kashi cereal bars and sugar-free Jello, does he?

And because you readers crave pictures and probably will not read the above post, below are pics of the pugs. Mac and Zeus were groomed yesterday. They have lion cuts to keep down on the amount of pug babies that live in the dark corners of my house. Gus is just cute.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Poor pups! Zeus looks scared!