Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh, What a Beautiful Day

Today, is one of those days in the ATX that reminds me, just in case I forgot, why I live here. My travels, or errands as some might call some of them, took me to lunch with great friends and one squishy baby girl, out to 360 and across the Pennybacker Bridge, up Mopac, which has some small fields of bluebonnets, to a gorgeous garden center on S. 1st, and back to my home. KP and i have worked on our gardens year after year, which allows us to now enjoy their beauty, with a little less work. Here are some shots our gardens this afternoon.


Eva said...

I LOVE Beautiful thing in nature! I want a garden with sunshine to plant things in! You'll have to share a few cuttings when I finally get my own piece of earth to play with.

Audra said...

I want to be where you are!