Friday, February 5, 2010

39 Weeks: A Mini Watermelon

I was taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all. So, bye for now.

Just kidding, though my list of nice things is short.

Nash should be about 7lbs and 20 inches. I think he's more like 8lbs. He's such a busy boy. He's constantly moving and making his presence known. I am so thankful that Midge got us a Miracle Blanket. I have a feeling this boy's going to stay wrapped up all the time!

I went to the doctor this morning praying for an induction today, but she said it was a little late in the day to get things going. Boo. Though I'd rather go into labor naturally, this cold is really beating me up and I cannot take any decongestants because my blood pressure is volatile. Because the sinus pressure has been so severe, I have taken 3-4 baths/showers a day, gone through 2 boxes of Puffs Plus Lotion, have a Rudolph nose and ears that feel like they should be on fire, and have been microwaving wash cloths to apply warm pressure to my face. It's been fun around here!

Thankfully the doc turned me on to Afrin, which does not affect the baby if used properly, so maybe, just maybe I will get more then 3-4 hours of sleep in the next 24 hours. For you skeptics and health professionals, she did say that normally Afrin is not a great option, but in this case, it's really the only option.

By the way, it seems that pregnancy-induced hypertension is what's causing my blood pressure issues, which is much preferred to pre-eclampsia.

Back to the induction...if Nash does not come this weekend, we will induce on Tuesday. Tuesday seems to be a popular induction day, as both of the nephews were induced on Tuesdays.

I hope that Nash decides to come this weekend. I sure would like to experience going into labor, but at the same time, I am ready to meet him.

This is my sad face. I so wanted things to have progressed and to be checked in today. In fact, we loaded our bags, pillows, and electronics bag into the car this morning. We even cleaned the house and I did my hair and makeup. Now I know what not to do this weekend!

Here's the happy momma. 39 weeks, 5 days, +42 lbs, 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced. (With some chunky arms and no rear end!)


Jamie said...

You are beautiful! PS - February babies are the best.

Crystal said...

I hope you feel better for your delivery!!

Is that a circle on your wall, or an orb??

stephaniezamora said...

uh, I lived on Afrin the last month and I am pretty sure I used it more than I was supposed to.

Welcome Nash!