Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nash Archer

Nash Archer made his way into this world yesterday at 5:27pm. Our little guy weighed 7lbs even and is 19 1/4 inches long. His head is 14 inches in circumfrence. He has some blonde hair and blonde eyelashes and eyebrows. He has KP's hands, my nose (at least from the front), and it looks like to Paczosa genes are even more dominant than Davison genes. He is perfect.

I will save the birth story for another post (when I am not on narcotics), but I will tell you that he came out via the birth canal after 22 hours of labor, though only a few of those were active labor. All in all, he was pretty easy. I am a little sore; KP and I are both over the moon; and Nash is a precious gift.

So far, Nash has been visited by all of this Aunts and Grandparents, as well as the Daugereaus. Next week he will meet his Uncle and cousins, and hopefully lots of his parents' friends!

Here are some pics. I promise I will post some more when we get home. Thanks for all of your positive thoughts, friends. We can feel the love!

Right after delivery. So alert. Mom, on the other hand, could use a nap. Dad is super-proud and ready to take on the role of swaddler and diaper-changer!
The Paczosas. Garndma is over the moon! I hear she ran down the hall each time to see Nash. Grandpa says Nash has very nice lips and I even heard Ade say she would babysit!

Midge and her first Nephew on the Davison side.

Sue Sue and Buddy. Buddy's already dreaming of the day when his grandsons are 6, 4 1/2, and 3. What trouble! Sue said at least a zillion times, "he is so cute!"

Mimi and grandson #3. Mimi is staying a while to help us get settled at home.

Paul and Amy came to see Nash. Miss Lilly, in Amy's belly, kicked Nash a few times while Amy was holding him. They are going to be best buds in a few months.


Kori said...

He is truly the most perfect baby I have every seen!

Kubesch Family said...

Congratulations! He is precious and I can't wait to meet him in person!

Maple said...

He's adorable- can't wait to meet him. Congrats to you and your families!!!

mandy said...

thanks for posting in the midst of all the excitement! your heart will never be the same again!

stephaniezamora said...

seriously! thanks for posting! he is absolutely ADORABLE and I can not wait to meet him. Congrats!

Frog Dancer said...

He is so cute! I'm so excited for yall and can't wait to hold him!

Crystal said...

He's Beautiful! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet him and see y'all!