Friday, February 19, 2010

Bye Bye Mimi

On Wednesday, Buddy drove up from Houston and to pick Mimi up and take her back home. I know he was getting a little worried that I would never let her leave. Mimi spent 11 nights in the ATX, 9 of them we were home for.

I am not going to lie; I bawled when she left. Aside from cooking, cleaning, going to the store, holding the baby, making sure KP's work shirts were clean, buying the detergent I like, sticking fruit stickers (our thing) in places for me to find, encouraging family time, and just generally rockin', she made me feel sane in my very emotional and hormonal state and made me feel like a good Mom. It's pretty cool being a Mom and still being babied by your Mom.

Buddy held Nash for the first time on Wednesday. I think he's pretty smitten with his third grandson. I hear rumors that go-karts may be on the horizon out at Three Sisters Acres (Mimi and Buddy's place).

Thank you Mimi for everything. That you Buddy for coming to get her. Thank you Midge and Midge's Mom-in-Law for shifting your lives to accommodate us.

Mimi went to mass for Ash Wednesday, hence the mess on her forehead.

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