Friday, January 29, 2010

38 Weeks: A Leek

Nash is supposed to be 6.8 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long. He's dropped some and I believe this dude weighs more than the 6.8 lbs that the bulletin gives him credit for.

We went to the doc this morning, which is why this update is so late. My blood pressure is great. I am dilated at a 2. The doc said she doesn't think that the baby is very big, but I am not quite sure I believe her. She also said she thinks we're in for at least one more week.


I do have to say, I woke up last Sunday choosing to be okay with waiting. My 37th week was tough. With concerns about my blood pressure and Nash's safety, I became Little Miss Grumpy and wore her well. The problem was that I started to hate being pregnant. I hated being huge. I hated night time pees. I hated waiting. I hated that damn orange bucket. And most of all, I hated the unknown.

But, I remembered that I am lucky. I have had a very smooth pregnancy and have enjoyed most of it. Plus, my job ebbs and flows and if there's a time to need to be off of your feet, this month meshes well with that recommendation.

So, waiting happily for our baby to arrive, I am. Ask me again in a week though and it may be a different story. If I pass my due date, I am thinking that February 9, 2010 sounds like a good day. Anyone?

Here are today's pics. Same adjective applies: HUGE.

Here's a true side view on a sold color wall. 38 weeks, 6 days. + 40 lbs! Yep, got a new 'do. I can't stand that in-between phase.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Nothing has happened. I PROMISE I will tweet (right hand side bar) and update facebook as soon as something happens. 38 week update to come tomorrow.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Amy #1 & Amy #2

Amy # 1 and I (Amy #2) had a mini-photo shoot last night at her husband's instance. We've both been preggers for nearly 6 months, and have yet to get a good shot of both bellies. Oh wait, that's because her bump is nice and small and contained, whereas my bump makes people in public gasp. Amy is set to have Lilly Janet in May. She and little Nash are going to be best buds and if they don't like each other, they will just be forced friends :)

Me at 37 weeks. Amy #1 at 25 weeks. Gus at 6+ years-old.

Striking a pose!

Gus, with a side of Zeus.

Friday, January 22, 2010

37 Weeks: Swiss Chard

Nash is as long as a bunch of Swiss chard or about 19 inches. He should also be about 6 1/3 lbs.

He's moving and making his presence known quite a bit. He stretches out in all directions and makes my huge belly look even more deformed.

We went to the doc again this morning for another check. Not very dilated. Nash seems to have dropped some, which we were kind of suspecting last night. My blood tests from yesterday came back and all is great on that front. We're still waiting on the results of the second 24-hour urine test, which should come in this afternoon.

Basically there are two paths we have chosen: 1) If the test comes back positive for preeclampsia, I will be induced next week. Because my body is not showing signs of wanting to push a watermelon through a lemon, my chances of a c-section are at about 30%. I do not like these odds. 2) If the test comes back negative, we will let him bake and we will continue to closely monitor my blood pressure and have WEEKLY 24-hour urine tests.

We had a third option and that was to induce regardless of the test results. KP and I both agree that with the Cesarean rate as high as it is this early, we will no go this route. Don't get me wrong, I am ready as a racehorse at a starting gate to get this baby out, but we want to make decisions based on rationality, not because I am feeling huge. Yes, that's the only word in the English dictionary that describes how I feel.

I cried at the doctor's office yesterday when I thought that the fetal non-stress test was not being conducted correctly. Seems Nash was just sleeping and I was having no contractions, but the results were so different from last week that it freaked me out.

After I explained my minor breakdown to Midge, so very sweetly suggested that it's okay to ask to medicine to help regulate my moods, if necessary. I told her I didn't think I was there yet. I can tell you though, this waiting on results to make game-changing decisions is taking it's toll on the psyche. I am a little coo-coo.

KP suggested this morning that we dress Zeus up and take him to our appointment in the stroller. I told him that I thought they would not only prescribe me meds, but that they might also commit me. With the thought of getting me out of the house (and away from him), KP was eager to continue with this 4-legged plan , but luckily Zeus wasn't having it! No insane asylum for me today.

So, we continue to wait.

Me and Nash, +39 lbs, 37 weeks, 5 days. Check out how my sweater doesn't even come close to covering the under side of my belly!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

There is a Plan

and it includes a second 24-hour pee test. I will begin in the morning and go through Thursday. Again, please think of me and how lucky you are to not have to pee into plastic tomorrow.

We won't get the results until Monday and then things could move very quickly or just keep moving along in gestational time. I will have a group of tests on Thursday and get checked again on Friday, but the most important factor seems to be the signs of preeclampsia, which will be confirmed or denied on Monday.

By the way, I forgot to update that "getting checked" is not what I thought it was. I guess the first time my doc "checked" me I was so early that she really didn't perform a full check. I have now had two full checks. NOT PLEASANT AT ALL. I am guessing that this might be a precursor to labor and that I should not bitch and moan about this because labor is going to be much more intense and last for a lot longer. But, I just wanted to let you Mamas out there know that I am not some abnormal woman and that I agree with you, getting checked is unpleasant and no fun.

So, that's the plan...make it until Monday when we make another plan.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Music to my Ears or Beauty to my Eyes, really

I won't start my 37th week post today because I have to ensure that you will come back and read later in the week. I did receive my 37th week bulletin yesterday and the first sentence states, "Your baby is full term!" According to the bulletin, this means that if Nash had to arrive now, he'd be just fine. Maybe a little puny, which I doubt, but that his lungs and major organs should be functioning as well now as they will at 40 or 41 weeks, when I am more likely to go into natural labor.

I have not been a Nervous Nelly about all of this, but knowing that my guy is in a good spot feels really good.

Writing of Nervous Nellys, I had a dream the other night that the baby turned out to be a girl! My girl name was Penelope (or Nelly for short). I sure hope that ultrasound tech was not wrong. If she was, who's going to volunteer to come paint the nursery, help me find girl clothes, and change my gender paradigm?

I go this afternoon to find out about my blood pressure/protein test. I have a strong feeling that all is fine and that we're in this for the long haul. But, I have been dreaming that I will be induced. Not sure if that will be this week or at 41 weeks, but I sort of have a feeling that might be the case.

Either way, I am getting a little anxious. I want to know what's going to happen when and how. I don't do well with the unknown. But, I still cannot rule the universe, so wait I will.

Here's another reason to get a little nervous. My friend Jean is a pregnant Mama. She gave me a bag of "essentials" yesterday. Her thoughtfulness is awesome, yet makes me a little timid about what's going to be going on "down there." She also said to ask for Vicodan.

Happy Monday, all.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

36 Weeks: Crenshaw Mellon

, which happens to weigh about 6lbs and Nash should be about 18 1/2 inches long.

In case you were wondering, the jug of pee that I returned to the doctor's office this morning weighed more than that. I pee a lot! (And yes, we weighed it. Who wouldn't?)

With all of this hoopla surrounding my blood pressure, I have started to get pretty nervous. Nash is a full term baby on Sunday, but now I want him to stay in and plump up. Wait, do I really want that? Yes, my brain can overpower my emotions. I know the longer he's in, the better for him. Luckily, he should be good and developed if they do have to deliver next week.

Yesterday, it occurred to me (probably again, but I have no memory), that regardless of the test results, something very big is going to be passing through something very small very soon. In the kitchen last night, KP came to the realization that "we're going to be parents." Nothing like that happening in the ninth month of pregnancy. It occurred to me that, "we're going to be bringing home a 2-day-old baby." Oh my gosh. I don't think I have much experience with two-day-old babies, especially when they're relying on ME for food. Yikes.

I went nutso yesterday and dipped all of the precious hand-me-down toys in bleach water. I put batteries into everything that needs them, even toys intended for much later use. I peeked at a few onsies, because they are so darn cute. I organized our bathroom cabinets. I tested out bathtubs in our kitchen sink, because we have 2, bathtubs, that is. I think that's it. Who knows what today will bring?

Oh wait, I do. A nap. I am exhausted after peeing into that jug all night. I promise, I got up 5 times to use the restroom last night. That's many more than usual. I guess I wanted to be the prize student and submit as much as they needed to test. How very unlike me.

Me, Nashers, and Mac's hiney, at 36 weeks + 4 days. +35 lbs. Seems I lost a couple this week.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two Tears in a Bucket

Or lots of pee, but that doesn't make a great post title.

I went to the doc’s office for my weekly check up. My blood pressure is back up (140/90) to where it was 2 weeks ago. They did a stress test on Nash and he’s doing just fine. His heart rate fluctuated from the 150’s to the low 180’s, with lots of movement.

They took my blood and sent me home with a 24-hour urine collection kit. Oh, the joy!

I woke this morning to KP bringing my collection materials into our room. After getting a "freebie" on the first pee of the day, I started peeing into a plastic container that sits on the toilet. I then pour the contents into the huge orange container. The worst part? I have to refrigerate the orange bottle! Can you imagine what my middle of the night potty breaks are going to be like? Shuffle into the kitchen to get the bottle out of the fridge, pee into container, pour contents into larger container, wash hands, shuffle back to kitchen to redeposit large container in fridge, then try to go back to sleep? I pee at least three times a night!

I drop the orange container off tomorrow and go back to the doc's office on Friday to have my blood pressure rechecked. My next OB appointment is Monday.

If the protein levels in my urine are high, which we will know on Monday, we will deliver next week. There is a low chance of this. More than likely, we’ll just keep monitoring it all and take it by the half-week. I am still just barely dilated.

Midge suggested that if I get to choose a date for delivery, that the 17th would be good, as that is Archibald, her dog's, birthday. I can't think of a better date.

Think of me today friends, as each of you pees freely into the toilet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Boy Howdy,

Did I elicit some attention with that one? Thank you friends, for caring about me. I am fine.

Monday I ran errands with a good gal pal, got a new camera (pictures to come), and started a new round of nesting. Watch out medicine basket, you have tons to fear. Just ask the dog basket that used to reside in the laundry room.

I do have to say that the responses and phone calls have been a nice treat, though I promise I won't make it sound like I need anti-depressants every time I want to hear from y'all. It is interesting that the responses varied from lists of things to do from some, to others wondering if I needed to be admitted for a psych evaluation. This leads me to believe that some of you think I am a happier person than others. Or, you have been in my shoes. Hmmm.

I think that this is pretty normal for the end of pregnancy, especially with my home-based job, and this dreadful weather.

Anyway, thanks for caring. I will be fine. My closets and baskets full of tchotchke on the other hand, may not be.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Roses and Sunshine

No, that's not what KP surprised me with this morning. It's the opposite of how I feel. Thorns and Gloom is more like it.

For about a week, I have felt this sadness lingering over me. I think it started with what my doctor thought was a virus and just continues. I really haven't left the house for long stretches of time. I have spent very little time with friends. Business is slow (as to be expected in January). KP is constantly working or tired from working. I can't travel home to be entertained by my family.

I know, whah, whah, whah. Put your big girl panties on and get over it. See, the funny thing is that I can't seem get over it.

People, I need some ideas. What can I do in this dreadfully cold weather to lift my spirits? Please keep in mind that I am huge.

Friday, January 8, 2010

35 Weeks: Honeydew Mellon

The dude is about 5.25 lbs and 18 inches long. I think I weighed in the 5 lb range when I was born and Nash has 4+ weeks to go. I can promise you that he's going to be big. I am feeling quite huge, not to mention, my weight gain has spiked. I hope to keep it under 50lbs at this point, seriously. Weight comes on like water in a sinking ship.

Speaking of water, I can't get enough. I drink what I think equates to gallons of water daily. Do you know what that means for my nights? Yep, you guessed it, lots of peeing. I get up every two hours, almost like clockwork, to use the restroom. And, after each potty break from my supposed-to-be good night's sleep, I down another half of a glass of water. I am thirsty!

I am going to reveal something here, but don't worry friends, I won't call you out. In college, it was not unheard of to have a little "accident" in one's bed after a night of drinking. But, it never happened to me. Seriously. In fact, I had a bet with the gals that I wouldn't do it before I graduated. I didn't, but instead of paying up, they went double or nothing on grad school. I tried to explain that their chances of winning were going down as I got older, but no one listened. Anyway, I won the bet. But, my fears of breaking this winning streak were almost realized the other night. I dreamed about peeing, and almost just did, right there in my bed. Luckily my brain kicked in and forced me to realize what was about to happen. Whew, streak still going on strong.

Other than that, not much is happening. Still not sleeping well. Feet are swelling. Weight is continuing to come on. I am dilated at a 1. And Nash is cooking right along.

My camera is screwy and makes faces look like casper. I need to buy a new one before Nash arrives. Ahhh! Something else to do.

Hampton, my SWT friend Meredith's daughter, and Mere came for a quick visit this week. Hampton is such a joy of a child. I think she and KP formed a lasting friendship, as they both laughed and laughed for hours. Thanks for the visit gals!

Here's me, 35 weeks (+5days) and + 37 lbs! Oops. It's a little late to backtrack on that.

And I guess you're wondering what we did for New Year's, since you wonder about the happenings in our life all the time, I am sure. We had a couple of couples over for dinner, played games, and then rang in the new year. Everyone left by about 12:15. I guess an 8+ month preggers host makes a lousy New Year's buddy! Above are Jenn and James.

Christine and David.

Me and KP. Sometime I will post pics of our 2000 New Year's. What a difference a decade makes. This was our official 10th New Year's together. Good times.