Monday, January 11, 2010

Boy Howdy,

Did I elicit some attention with that one? Thank you friends, for caring about me. I am fine.

Monday I ran errands with a good gal pal, got a new camera (pictures to come), and started a new round of nesting. Watch out medicine basket, you have tons to fear. Just ask the dog basket that used to reside in the laundry room.

I do have to say that the responses and phone calls have been a nice treat, though I promise I won't make it sound like I need anti-depressants every time I want to hear from y'all. It is interesting that the responses varied from lists of things to do from some, to others wondering if I needed to be admitted for a psych evaluation. This leads me to believe that some of you think I am a happier person than others. Or, you have been in my shoes. Hmmm.

I think that this is pretty normal for the end of pregnancy, especially with my home-based job, and this dreadful weather.

Anyway, thanks for caring. I will be fine. My closets and baskets full of tchotchke on the other hand, may not be.

1 comment:

stephaniezamora said...

I am not worried about you but do not underestimate the wonderfulness of happy pills.

hap hap happy