Tuesday, January 19, 2010

There is a Plan

and it includes a second 24-hour pee test. I will begin in the morning and go through Thursday. Again, please think of me and how lucky you are to not have to pee into plastic tomorrow.

We won't get the results until Monday and then things could move very quickly or just keep moving along in gestational time. I will have a group of tests on Thursday and get checked again on Friday, but the most important factor seems to be the signs of preeclampsia, which will be confirmed or denied on Monday.

By the way, I forgot to update that "getting checked" is not what I thought it was. I guess the first time my doc "checked" me I was so early that she really didn't perform a full check. I have now had two full checks. NOT PLEASANT AT ALL. I am guessing that this might be a precursor to labor and that I should not bitch and moan about this because labor is going to be much more intense and last for a lot longer. But, I just wanted to let you Mamas out there know that I am not some abnormal woman and that I agree with you, getting checked is unpleasant and no fun.

So, that's the plan...make it until Monday when we make another plan.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Boo, more peeing. I hope you get some information soon. The waiting game sucks, but I know everything is fine :)