Saturday, December 5, 2009

30 Weeks: Head of Cabbage

The dude weighs about 3 lbs and is about 15.7 inches long. I like that he's putting on weight; it makes me feel better about the weight I put on and about his health.

I have been going to the doc every 2 weeks since about 24 weeks. They just weigh me, measure me to make sure that the belly is expanding, and listen to the little guy's heartbeat. So far, all is well. Except my weight. While I am in line with acceptable weight gain, it seems to be coming on pretty quickly. Because I was sick all last week, I did not gain quite as much as I feared I would over Thanksgiving. As I dressed for my last appointment, I questioned my choice of knee-high boots. In fact, I went as far as to weigh myself with and without those boot and wouldn't you know, they weigh 3 pounds! At the doctors' office, I removed them before I agreed to be weighed; I am not getting in that much trouble!

We started our Lamaze class last week. We are actually taking Lamaze because I was tardy in signing up for the birthing class at our hospital. So far we have watched some interesting movies documenting the labor process and have practiced positions and deep breathing. I promise you that there is nothing more attractive than a bunch of 8-months pregnant women positioning themselves with their giant rears in the air. This whole labor thing is going to be fun and sexy.

I traveled to Houston for our second baby shower this week. Amazingly it snowed about 2 inches in Pearland, where Midge (Older Sis) lives. We had a great time. Shower pics to come.

Me and Nash at 30 weeks (+6 days) at +24 pounds. I am in front of Midge's Christmas tree. Ours is up at home in the ATX. Pics to come.

KP came home with a foot spa the other day. He set it all up in the living room. It was divine. We had to take 5 pictures to get one where I do not look the size of the living room.

After setting up the Christmas tree, KP went on a cleaning binge, again. Here he is vacuuming up fake tree needles and torturing Zeus.

It snowed in Houston! Mimi worked very hard to gather snow and Midge and I rolled it into a snowman. Luke and Davis posed with their hard-workin' women's snowman.

This pic shows just how much it snowed. Everything was covered with a thick layer. It didn't stick for too long, but it's still cold enough almost 48 hours later that there is still snow on some rooftops and on the ground. Our melting snowman would still be standing, except Luke went all kung fu on it.

1 comment:

stephaniezamora said...

You look so happy! either that are you are really good at fake smiling :)